Sunday, February 3, 2008

United Airlines: On-Line Check In

Woke up this morning and decided to log on to the computer to catch the last few e-mails - do a Sudoku and general waste a little time until Sue woke up. BUT! There was an unexpected e-mail from United Airlines. The ability to "check in" online 24-hrs ahead of takeoff and avoid those annoying airport queues. You know the ones; where everyone shuffles ahead in line kicking their luggage along, watching intently as an agent is free "hey, you're next; she's free" - watching the clock, time is running out. Well by stepping through their web pages we can check-in, get our boarding passes for all three flights right through to our destination, print them out at home, and see our seat assignments and change them if required. So I checked the web site, , for our plane and it's seating anomalies. (no change - good seats). Ya' gotta' luv da' Intanet! Now we will see Monday morning how well this on-line check in service works. Hope they really will have seats for us.