Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Whales

Far out in the distance a cloud of spray rises above the ocean. Was that a wave hitting a reef? Then another and another. Whales breaching the surface as they migrate from their Alaskan homes. In the winter months they are here to breed, and calf, before heading back north in the spring. We must have seen at least 20 whales, a large pod swimming off the eastern shore. Mostly we just see the splash of their jumps or a fountain spray from their blow holes. Only once in a while a glimpse of the huge black mass or a fluke re-entering the sea. But it is exciting. Today they were in close and we could see them like in the top photo above. Beautiful! Everyone on the beach points, the binoculars and telephoto lenses come out, and we all stare to the spot. Something nice to know they are there and thriving in this world. (these are not my pictures, just examples of what we actually saw).
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